Those who read my blog often know of my love for the double ... and the variables. As I sometimes appropriating those verses of the song: "first loves are hard to forget", so I decided to retake, by pure nostalgia and pleasure, visual observations of variable stars.
The place where I live prevents me from having a fixed observatory in which to set up my computer, which, as you know, is devoted almost exclusively to the astrometry of double stars. However, it allows me to use the telescope pocket (a R102 f / 5) for visual observations. Not that this is the most suitable place, a city of course not, but by a careful program of interesting and brilliant variables (those that can not be tracked with computers Common CCD by the high brightness of the stars), you can continue doing astronomy.
My intentions are not anything ambitious, fun, recall the pleasure of visual observation and to remain connected to the world of variable stars, really exciting. I have in mind a list of 30 stars (There is everything from RV's, symbiotic, SR's, some cataclysmic ... and even a couple of Miras). I hope to devote many nights while reaching the coveted ccderas sessions in the village on weekends.
is no doubt that the future will be amateur who uses digital media ... or may not be. I already am one of those who have made this way after a couple of decades making visual observations. But sometimes I get the feeling that we lose sight of what it means to be an amateur astronomer / amateur and, for my part, I want to recover the astronomical observation of the purest form may exist: with the eye stuck in the eye . While you can.
I show a couple of corners of the AAVSO with the first two stars I've seen: the interesting, and now fashion variable, CI Cyg (do not miss the two blog entries Rguez Francisco. Bergali "The Eye in the Sky " this) and RT Cyg. Since it set out my comments (GCJ).
Nothing, that is. Do you encourage someone else?
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