Encouraged by Rafael Benavides, as always, I decided last week to get my first two supernovae , something really fascinating. Maybe it's the beginning of a new observational aspect to which I shall devote some time from now.
Since this was my first catch ... I chose bright supernovae (SN2010gi and Sn2010gl), which is a saying in this field because the size exceeded 15. I'm still far from those measuring magnitude Rafa with 19 ... of movie. I used the usual CCD Atik16IC in C8 with focal reducer (f / 5) and I added 20 exposures of 30 seconds each. Astrometrica I used for the reduction and seals (neck will be as grateful to Julio sucientemente Castilian by the tools provided to us.) Inevitably I had to use the USNO A2.0 because that area of \u200b\u200bthe sky is not included in the CMC-14.
I already know what you think result. Measurements of extragalactic objects is really exciting especially when one takes the true idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you are doing. A joy.
Note: this summer there have been many developments in my life astronomy, I hope to have some time to tell soon. Greetings.
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