Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Reprogram Clifford Remote

Chiclayo, Lambayeque .- The Regional Government of Lambayeque gave the highest award "Lord of Sipan" Suárez Díaz Larcery journalist, editor of the weekly Expression and university professor, for their valuable journalism, professional and cultural benefit of our region.
The medal of honor and regional resolution that distinction has been granted by the regional president, Nery Saldarriaga Kroll at breakfast today offered weekly Expression in the framework of its 17th anniversary and on the eve of celebrating the Day of the Journalist.
" Regional Government established this award to recognize those citizens who identified with his people contribute to national development. It should highlight the work of one of the most representative of Lambayeque journalists, who for 40 years in this profession, having made significant professional achievement in recognition of its large production of stories, poems and publications, "said the president.
Larcery Diaz stressed that he served for 20 years as a correspondent for the daily "El Comercio, Lima, Director of Press of America Television and Radio Star from 1993 to 1996 he worked as a copyeditor in the daily La Industria de Chiclayo, and since 1997 editor of the weekly Expression.
" not only has professional experience, academic college and university César Vallejo Lord of Sipan, but is the winner of five national journalism awards," he said.
In concluding this October 1, Peruvian Journalist Day, the regional authority invoked to newsmen in the region to continue their daily work while maintaining a dedication to service and social projection, as well as informing the public with objectivity, impartiality and accuracy.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Ontario Drivers License And Asperger's Syndrome
Peru .- The Dominican journalists Ramon Felix Lebron and Raul Bautista Germain will speak at the XXII Congress of Social Communication students "Conecs 2010" : ComunicAcción, Our Nature Height Risk, scheduled for 18 to 22 October at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (UNA) of Puno, Peru.
Felix Lebron taught a workshop on "Writing and Interculturalism, and Germain Bautista the paper" Journalism as an Alternative Social Conflict Settlement "in which academic contest will present Simon Peter Arnold (Belgium), Luciano Simoes de Sousa (Brazil), Young I Lee (Korea) and Peruvians Itsvan Halay Kovacs, Eland and Jaime Vera Pedreros Balta.
The activity has the organization of the Peruvian Association of University Students of Social Communication (APEUCS), an organization that brings students of 27 public and private institutions of higher education, the Professional School of Social Communication Sciences (EPCCS) and the Faculty of Social Sciences (FCS) of the UNA.
The objectives of the Congress include strengthening the role of communities to the environmental crisis, spreading new communicator challenges facing society, value the importance of communities to social conflicts that arise from the changes and environmental changes and reassess resources.
also promote integration and sharing of experiences environmental subjects within the different areas of social communication, to encourage scientific research on the audience, encourage respect for the peoples of the country and sensitizing communities about the importance of bioethics.
Felix Lebron serves as manager of publications of the Government Information Center (IGC) of the Dominican Republic, and director of the Journalism Training Program (PROCAP), while Germain is a professor at Baptist University "Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo" in Huaraz (Peru) and deputy director of PROCAP.
motivation "Conecs 2010" is geared to promote, discuss and reach new conclusions concerning the true role of a communicator in the twenty-first century, understand the realities and appearances of our profession order to clarify the scope of which we should and we want to go to be effective in what we make.
grouped activity professionals and students of Social Communication Sciences and related careers, teachers and researchers, business communications and the general public.
PRICESFriday, September 24, 2010
Yeast Die Off Symptoms
I have not yet had time to upload my story Congress passed the State of Astronomy in Madrid on my blog. I'm pressed for time lately. I promise I will soon. Meanwhile you can read the excellent reviews that have left some friends in the blogosphere: here , here and here. Do not lose them, are excellent.
why I want before they spend more time on record that if anything I was happy for the three days in Madrid was to coincide again with my dear friends and great people: Rafa Edgar Benavides and Mass . Funny how astronomy has brought together people of such different backgrounds, work commitment ... and yet I can assure you that with Rafa and Edgar you feel at home, we are real friends. Since many years working together getting into several stories (OED, SEDA-WDS, lectures, attendance at conferences ...) and certainly, I can not think of anyone better to have done.
Thanks folks. You rock. You are my family.
PS: Obviously, I also greet many people in the CEA in Madrid. Some for the first time. The list is endless. So I leave for my detailed account of the event.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What Happens If I Take Expired Protein
few months ago I said that I had bought new bike. He also said he was really pleased with the stability and accuracy that was showing. Well, to put teeth long to Rafael Benavides (who was having some problems to control the mount from the computer-solved and, of course-), one night this summer I recorded a small video camera steady freehand while the other handled the laptop mouse. You can imagine the quality of the same: awful. However, I think that may serve to illustrate the quality of the Celestron CGEM mount (I still say that is worth its weight in gold) and comfort means manage it from your computer. Although many use other programs, for years I have remained faithful to SkyMap and I use him like a charm.
cost me catch you point a saddle-computer connection. Until I found the key or, rather, with the cable and how to connect the RS-232 NexStar commanded. ASCOM platform did the rest and since then, saving time and win in comfort. It is no longer necessary even to enter the coordinates of the object you want to study.
I assure you that the starting station on the night I recorded the video was very fast and shallow, nor use any software to support the commissioning station. Still, the results are quite positive. Do not you think?
By the way, is a part of the video in which almost no one hears my voice (I covered the finger at the camera's tiny microphone!).
The next entry the devote to Congress Astronomy State last weekend ...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Blue Dots On Pregnancy Tests
Every two years, for 34, we celebrate the "festival" of the English amateur astronomy: the State Capitol of Astronomy, CEA (formerly Days National Astronomy and Astronomy State Conference). In the 18 previous editions has been able to have first-hand, an overview of the research of amateur / amateurs and professionals. CEA has been the site of the main English cities that have a group with sufficient astronomical entity to organize an event of this type (Madrid, Sevilla, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTeruel, Valencia, Santander, Malaga, Huesca, Murcia ...).
however, is the first time in the last 20 years that falls in a city that allows me to attend because of their closeness (although relative): XIX CEA plays in Madrid and at last I can be present. Furthermore, with Rafa and Benavides Edgar R. mass presented a paper (Saturday 18 at 18pm.) On the project SEDA-WDS (which, incidentally, is going well and each has more participants).
going to be a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and to meet in person to others who had never seen. Needless to say I am very excited and will be three days of intensive sessions. The organizers have prepared so many events (even the famous pop group Amaral attends the opening) it will be difficult to attend all. Congratulations for the work done so far. I imagine they will be hoping that happens soon, and a good time. Sure.
Such is the wealth of conferences, lectures and activities that have had to organize the CEA in various lecture halls of the University Complutense of Madrid, which I can not attend all ... be difficult to choose.
Both groups are organizing astronomical Madrid Astronomical Association (AMA) and the Association of Amateur Astronomers at the University Complutense of Madrid (ASAAF). All information
CEA here.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Template For Army Tank Cakes

Those who read my blog often know of my love for the double ... and the variables. As I sometimes appropriating those verses of the song: "first loves are hard to forget", so I decided to retake, by pure nostalgia and pleasure, visual observations of variable stars.
The place where I live prevents me from having a fixed observatory in which to set up my computer, which, as you know, is devoted almost exclusively to the astrometry of double stars. However, it allows me to use the telescope pocket (a R102 f / 5) for visual observations. Not that this is the most suitable place, a city of course not, but by a careful program of interesting and brilliant variables (those that can not be tracked with computers Common CCD by the high brightness of the stars), you can continue doing astronomy.
My intentions are not anything ambitious, fun, recall the pleasure of visual observation and to remain connected to the world of variable stars, really exciting. I have in mind a list of 30 stars (There is everything from RV's, symbiotic, SR's, some cataclysmic ... and even a couple of Miras). I hope to devote many nights while reaching the coveted ccderas sessions in the village on weekends.
is no doubt that the future will be amateur who uses digital media ... or may not be. I already am one of those who have made this way after a couple of decades making visual observations. But sometimes I get the feeling that we lose sight of what it means to be an amateur astronomer / amateur and, for my part, I want to recover the astronomical observation of the purest form may exist: with the eye stuck in the eye . While you can.
I show a couple of corners of the AAVSO with the first two stars I've seen: the interesting, and now fashion variable, CI Cyg (do not miss the two blog entries Rguez Francisco. Bergali "The Eye in the Sky " this) and RT Cyg. Since it set out my comments (GCJ).
Nothing, that is. Do you encourage someone else?
Friday, August 20, 2010
Quotes On Pat Tillman
has not wasted this intervention by Neil deGrasse, his answer to the question posed by someone in the audience is really great as we are used to this passionate astrophysicist and popularizer of science. To see if learning.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Levels On Cubefield

Encouraged by Rafael Benavides, as always, I decided last week to get my first two supernovae , something really fascinating. Maybe it's the beginning of a new observational aspect to which I shall devote some time from now.
Since this was my first catch ... I chose bright supernovae (SN2010gi and Sn2010gl), which is a saying in this field because the size exceeded 15. I'm still far from those measuring magnitude Rafa with 19 ... of movie. I used the usual CCD Atik16IC in C8 with focal reducer (f / 5) and I added 20 exposures of 30 seconds each. Astrometrica I used for the reduction and seals (neck will be as grateful to Julio sucientemente Castilian by the tools provided to us.) Inevitably I had to use the USNO A2.0 because that area of \u200b\u200bthe sky is not included in the CMC-14.
I already know what you think result. Measurements of extragalactic objects is really exciting especially when one takes the true idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you are doing. A joy.
Note: this summer there have been many developments in my life astronomy, I hope to have some time to tell soon. Greetings.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Brazilian Columbia Sc
Germain By Raul Bautista, professor.
Information style must meet the following conditions: Conciseness, clarity, objectivity, accuracy, attention-grabbing construction, variety, rhythm, originality, simplicity and correctness and propriety. How this is achieved, easily.
All these proposals we made above are achieved in this way:
1 - The golden rule in writing in English: Active + subject + predicate their objects and modifiers
Circumstantial. Example: communication students wrote a book for the UNASAM in Huaraz.
2 - The use of active voice over passive.
3 - An idea sentences, not paragraphs that might confuse, maintains a clean and clear.
4 - The gerund, last attended and the infinitive is the headache of news editors. We must deepen its uses in the English language.
5 - informational paragraphs, usually, should be short: 20 to 35 words.
6 - verbs, in addition to being in active form, is recommended (their time) to be used as close to the date of event.
7 - syntax in your area, the wording used in a measured way information punctuation: commas, quotation marks, colons, periods, semicolons, etc.
8 - sayings, phrases drawer premises, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions parasitic tarnish to writing informative.
9 - broad verbs must be left aside: be, be, do, have, take out, take place.
10 - seems incredible, but the journalists did not know how to use dictionaries. Each word has its meaning, is just look for that best represents our idea. Bad examples: Campus Universitario, treasury, event, implementing, operating, unknown perpetrators broke violently inside a home, it rains in Lima and the interior, a few minutes, they, them, etc..
11 - One of the worst flaws in the wording of the conditional use, would, it would be. Accordance according to the grammar, the past conditional compound reflects a stock which may occur and ultimately not performed. According to reliable sources, the minister would have resigned ...
Note, this is the most accurate definition of news: "The news, to define its meaning more precisely, is the current information of the events of the day put to the public, often very important information for men and women who want well what to think and act. The news is the story timely, concise and accurate an event, not the event itself, "Mitchell V. Charnley, informative book Journalism.
I. History of journalistic genres.
According to data collecting Luisa Santamaría and José Luis Martínez Albertos, in journalism, they begin to talk about gender between 1920 and 1950. All this coincides with the First and Second World Wars.
journalistic genres are different forms of literary creation, intended to be disseminated through any media collective. Since 1945, the journalism has been endowed with a new character: the depth, or call for explanation and interpretation.
-Information news, interviews and objective reporting
-Interpretation Chronicle and in-depth reporting.
-Review article (editorial, loose, spine, critique)
II. Information, Interpreting and Understanding and Opinion.
The danger in the credibility of journalism is the confusion between the interpretation, explanation and opinion. The most obvious distinction between news reporter and editorial writer says is that the first and second calls. The media would be to divide the opinions of the information.
The journalism of opinion belong to the subjective world of commentary and interpretation to the story. These are two different attitudes to the news.
In general, one can say that if the reader can not determine from the published text, what is the position of reporter with respect to the subject or the person being treated, the interpretation is correct and well done. If, however, reading the text is clear what the journalist's stance regarding the person or event, we may be a case of subjective opinion and editorializante, masked in the paper as if something interpretive treated, causing confusion and readers.
III. formal category in which we find the interpretation.
The interpretation lies, typically, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Examples, Alex Grijelmo, the style of the journalist:
The verb: X Minister gave is extended to the problems of NAFTA and ventured that the Next month there will be agreements with the USA. UU.
The adverb: X Minister spoke slowly on problems TLC and, surprisingly, promised for next month an agreement with United. UU.
In the adjectives X Minister delivered a speech over the issue of NAFTA and promised for next month according to EE desired. UU.
IV. The Report.
The report is a way forward print journalism, mainly in the journalism of interpretation. Faced with competition in the audiovisual media and the Internet, capable of rapid and timely information, the report offers get to the bottom of the data.
Report, French voice of English and adapted into English, comes from the Latin verb will report , which means to bring or carry a story, post, referring ... That is, real news, timely, detailed and attractive.
The interpretive report is, paradoxically, one of the most prominent variants of so-called New Journalism (years 70) . Its history goes back in the United States in the Times (1923, more or less).
The interpretive account the following structure: Thesis, views or opinion of value as an opening paragraph of story, logical aggregation of data to support and justify the initial thesis and the conclusion reinforces the approach of the thesis (not an opinion).
Va. Lead: view or editorial thesis.
Front inverted-pyramid diagram proven in strictly informational stories, "the interpretive report starts with an intense intellectual approach.
is not saying this is what happened today, but this one: of the many things that have happened this week, this is what you must know, and for reasons that will read unquestionable below.
What has become of fearsome Red Army pride of the Soviet Union and spearheaded an imperial policy under the yoke which he put much of Europe.
The Russian Armed Forces, born on May 7, 1992, have collected his legacy, but before they have time to reorganize and are immersed in the crisis. A crisis of identity, moral, political and economic.
Vb. body of the report: data exposure.
The body of interpretative reporting as pointed out by Abraham Santibanez is an accumulation of facts, statements, opinions of respondents, and all the product of a reporter's work and research, ordered in logical sequence raised in the header.
Disappointment reigns in all quarters of Russia. Nothing more to recover from his illness, Yeltsin, a longtime Chechnya has returned to drown in vodka.
Occasionally, harangue to the recruits to forget they have empty pockets. The pay of these soldiers, who had already been slowing since 1994, suffered a complete halt after the second round of presidential elections in July last year.
As a result, some 30 000 officers, among which are the best specialists, have resigned within months, according to statistics ..
Vc. Conclusion: Reinforcing the original view
The conclusion of interpretive account directly reconnected with the view of the boot. We must re-assert (not opinions) in an explicit, by appointment, a fact or a statistic, "the approach that has triggered all the interpretive report.
Conclusion: and is understood clearly the interpretive report is a complex unit that must be carefully prepared. In front of the news reporting of the traditional type (which in case of exigencies of space, you can always cut down, according to the inverted pyramid scheme), the interpretive account, everything should be measured and calculated.
So, the task of cutting it is almost as complex and difficult as it longer or the same task of writing.
We recommend the use of 4 tenses: Present perfect tenses, imperfect and pluperfect to give good chronological thread.
The disaster of the Chechen campaign has tarnished the prestige of the uniform, and left a deep impression the identity of the army.
"People accuse us of having killed thousands of civilians, but why not instead accuse those who have unleashed this senseless civil war? "he says indignantly Guennadi, commander of a tank division.
V. risk of interpretation.
Before leaving this subject, I must make some considerations about the risk in drawing interpretation.
1 - journalistic interpretation corresponds to a different psychological attitude to the opinion and commentary. Interpretation is an essential element of the information, as a documented history of the newspaper. On the contrary, the opinion should be confined almost religiously to the editorial section.
There are three ways of dealing with the media release: The information (through the news report or objective account), interpretation (by means of interpretative reporting) and opinion (which uses of comment).
2 - Clearly, despite the above, that the interpretive report lends the story much better than dishonest manipulation target of the consciences of citizens.
3 - Which is why the journalist makes a kind of demigod interpretive authorized to tell the public what the real meanings of events?
There is only one, "says Santibanez-the same as the doctor makes a kind of demigod with power over life or death of their patients: the professional value of each.
professionally trained journalist, who succeeds again and again in the proper formulation of the views of their interpretive stories, that will have the confidence of its readers.
VI. La Crónica periodística.
Como vimos en el tema del reportaje, de los géneros para la interpretación periodística que se deben encuadrar dentro del marco referencial denominado “mundo del relato”, uno de ellos –el reportaje interpretativo- es de abolengo claramente anglosajón. El otro tiene unas raíces latinas: La Crónica.
Crónica periodística es una narración directa e inmediata of a story with certain elements of value (not opinions) that must always be secondary to the narrative of the event itself. Attempts to reflect what happened between two dates: hence comes its etymological origin in the history of literature.
VIa. The narrative and the rating.
The news story is essentially interpretive and evaluative information for news stories, current or updated, which tells something at the same time it is judged in the text.
is not a pure story because here, in principle, except in exceptional cases the comment is not supported, but reigns short story. There is an interpretive report in-depth, because in this type of reporting does not give the interpretation the reporter, but the elements that contribute to the proper valuation of a fact, not an article, because, unlike the writer, the writer has the unavoidable obligation to inform, to narrate, to tell you something that has happened.
Without news, the Chronicle is no longer journalism to become a historical account or an item values \u200b\u200bof a transcendent fact ... or inconsequential.
The tapered style must be direct and simple, essentially objective, but also must shape the literary personality of the journalist.
A GOOD EXAMPLE, Revista Semana, Colombia:
At 2:45 pm on Tuesday of last week, under a blazing sun, some inhabitants of the municipality of Nariño Antioquia ran down the street Real, to the lower part of town. When the crowd of people arrived in the square, across from the imposing church of Our Lady of Mercy, there was widespread panic.
The men did not run, nor hide the fear that was etched on their faces. "What? What, "asks someone. "The guerrillas turned guerrilla ..." replied either fleeing from an invisible enemy.
Upon hearing this, the soldiers stood around the church and parish house were strained .. Nozzles raised their rifles toward the sky, quickly unlock and began to walk carefully, stuck to walls, to the main square.
The Nariño watching them through the windows of their homes, barely ajar, thought that the nightmare they had endured for 36 hours last weekend would begin again. One man thought aloud: "Frankly this is not fair."
The final
... The lady squatted on the ruins of what was once his home, destroyed by the car bomb. Dressed a small coat of blue and purple flowers, shaded by a black umbrella, I said, sounding insane, again and again to a man and a boy who poked through the rubble: "The shoes are under the window, no found the shoes, are not shoes, are not shoes, are not the shoes ... "
Friday, July 30, 2010
Santa Maria Ship Parts Columbus

Congratulations to Edgar for his brilliant participation (few people know these things and pass it) and thanks to Ricardo for remembering us.
Enjoy it. You can listen
here and download it from here .
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Lady Gaga Leather Jackets

first thing that surprised me was the fact Martos meet a very big city life. I expected a smaller town, but it was not. A busy summer (and weekend) was palpable in the air. In addition, completely unaware he had a very interesting historic and unique topography, with that massive rock that dominates the town.
But understand that, being a doubles player, save with special affection the meeting with two friends who had exchanged emails for years but had not had the pleasure to greet personally the case Tachometer / Ramón Palomeque or Almenara / John. It was a pleasure meeting with them and spend much of my time in Martos (thanks to Ramon for Vado-Jaén approach, as well). Two great people and great fans that I am very glad to have known.
I did lots of photos but here are a few snapshots of those moments.