Huaraz, Ancash .- The Peruvian newspaper El Comercio published on 2 February this year Title: Dengue already killed 11 people in the jungle came to Lima.
Well, speaking their own manual that verbs are in this title ... but that's not serious ... if the briefing notes should be written in the indicative mood, and the indicative has 10 forms, each with its definition and function, my big question is why this title uses two verbs in indefinitely. This will spread poverty in the drafting, in addition, if the February 2 remained the outbreak, somewhere had to use the compound time. And as discussed this structure, the story goes to the present. The fix suggested is this. Dengue
that has killed 11 people in the jungle comes to Lima.
Improved: Dengue has killed 11 people in the jungle and arrives in Lima.
These are some of the recommendations we make to Hispanic journalists. Journalism is eminently practical, but it refines the theory. To better understand this, read newspaper style (2010) of Alex Grijelmo, president of the EFE and the good use of Words (2008) Valentin Garcia (member of SAR )
God bless.
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