Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Relative Bradycardia Fever
Huaraz, Ancash .- The Peruvian newspaper El Comercio published on 2 February this year Title: Dengue already killed 11 people in the jungle came to Lima.
Well, speaking their own manual that verbs are in this title ... but that's not serious ... if the briefing notes should be written in the indicative mood, and the indicative has 10 forms, each with its definition and function, my big question is why this title uses two verbs in indefinitely. This will spread poverty in the drafting, in addition, if the February 2 remained the outbreak, somewhere had to use the compound time. And as discussed this structure, the story goes to the present. The fix suggested is this. Dengue
that has killed 11 people in the jungle comes to Lima.
Improved: Dengue has killed 11 people in the jungle and arrives in Lima.
These are some of the recommendations we make to Hispanic journalists. Journalism is eminently practical, but it refines the theory. To better understand this, read newspaper style (2010) of Alex Grijelmo, president of the EFE and the good use of Words (2008) Valentin Garcia (member of SAR )
God bless.
Catchy Birthday Phrases 30
SANTON DOMINGO, Republic Dominicana.-Journalism Training Program (PROCAP) taught the course "Writing Workshop with the assistance of journalists and students.
participated in the training activity Gisselle Mejia Sanchez, Janet Almonte Calderón Domínguez and Diomedes Marchena, Government Information Center (IGC).
students also Beras-Goico Mary Ann Smith, Vanessa Castillo Benítez, Carherine Efres Felix Acosta and Karolin Luna Nathaly Cordero Ureña, Catholic University of Santo Domingo (UCSD), plus Maria Estevez Rojas, University of Technology Santiago (UTESA), and the journalist Cristian Mota Medina, of the Dominican Municipal League (LMD).
The director, journalist Ramon Felix Lebron, praised the activity that aims to improve the quality of information content and the strengthening of the professionalization of graduate students and Social Communication.
Participants rated the course / workshop of great importance for the development of his career, and emphasized the teaching method used in the explanation of the issues, both of which said they allowed to have an updated view of journalism and its various structures.
The school day was supported by the Christian Foundation for Democracy (FCPD). Felix Lebron announced that the new cycle will be held on Sunday 1, 8, 15 and 22 May next. Those interested may contact 809-639-8478.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Every time I'd rather observe variable stars in general, and supernovae in particular. I said you were my reason for being astronomical many years ago. Now, with self-guided CCD and the possibilities are almost endless. We
some bad days, astronomically speaking. Heaven quite dirty, bad seeing, wind and, for a couple of days, again cold. However, between double and double Espin, I had time to draw any bright supernova to measure. I present one of them (incidentally, my first step has been sent and published on page David Bishop, the true guru of supernovae in the world), it is the SN2011aa located in the galaxy UGC3906.
By the way, I need a box or sheet of flats urgently. The image below is presented in the histogram retouched to hide a little vignetting and artifacts in a "donut" that appear everywhere. The trouble is that, in this way, the two nearby galaxies have become almost invisible and the overall brightness of the stars of the field is reduced.