Needless to say, those friends are none other than Rafael Benavides , Edgar Rubén Masa and the writer, Juan-Luis Gonzalez.
Well, these three friends embark on another adventure again exciting and, we believe, interesting. This is a project we've come to call SEDA-WDS (Follow-Star double retirement in the WDS). What is? In releasing semi double observation campaigns abandoned in the reference catalog, the above WDS. Thousands of out there. And we want to do our bit for this catalog is as current as possible.
This is a task that falls almost specifically in the work, often unknown to most amateur astronomers, interested parties in this field. There are many amateurs who do this work. And in Spain, fortunately more and more. And indeed it ... something moves in the field of double stars.
What would bring the project SEDA-WDS is that this work is systematic and, above all, coordinated.
If we can get this project curdle among English amateurs (and is open to everyone), the contribution will be, among other things, historical and priceless because it will achieve "sweep" the most abandoned of WDS double. And working in a collaborative project like few others.
Our purpose is also to bring, through the project, las estrellas dobles al mayor número posible de aficionados. Aunque nunca hayan hecho astrometría de dobles. Precisamente es en ellos en los que más queremos insistir. Si un aficionado sabe medir el brillo de un cometa o de una supernova, si puede calcular la posición de un cometa o de un asteroide… es que sabe hacer astrometría de estrellas dobles.
Si tienes telescopio con una CCD o webcam… contamos contigo . Pero te advertimos que este campo de trabajo es altamente adictivo, puede ser que una vez que comiences te sea difícil dejarlo. Eso nos ha pasado a todos los que ahora dedicamos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo a él.
Para colaborar no es necesario medir todas las dobles proposed in each campaign. Hardly. You can make measurements of 1, 2 or 5 stars. Some provide measurements of 20 and others, of all. But each and every one of the double standards are equally valuable and will be welcome.
You can find all the project information SEDA-WDS on the website we created in this regard. You can find here .
offer any advice needed. Get in touch with the coordinators for this purpose.
You can also find detailed information in a paper appearing in the journal Astronomy July / August, and, as expected less, also at No. 5 of "The Double Star Observer," which, of course, come time for your appointment with all doubles player and stakeholders on 1 July.
hope you look like a good project, we know it wisely coordinate and that we engage the largest possible number of fans.
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