this machine's movements have a close resemblance to those of a horizontal milling machine, which is not surprising since both machines are designed to generate flat surfaces using a rotating cylindrical cutter with horizontal axis.
The grinder is used for removing small amounts of metal, achieving a good finish and a job tin accuracy. 3.1.1
surface grinding cutting forces on a surface grinder are considerably lower than those for a router, so to hold the piece being honed using a magnetic chuck. 3.1.2 Cylindrical Grinding
The grinder can be used for grinding cylindrical holes and outer diameters.
The subject of the grinder work follows the same principles as around, submitting the piece between centers or chucked, or in a small faceplate. Except that this grinding a hole, the piece is generally held between centers, either directly or between a mandrel. The work held between centers has more probabilidadades to be truly cylindrical.
4.1.2 Type I
Most Surface grinding type I used to rectify a flat surface of the workpiece, usually a surface equal less than 0.0002 inch. However this type of grinding can also be used to machine contours in the workpiece. The wheel may be confronted with the inverse of the desired shape in the workpiece, and then you can frosting on the boundary.
The workpiece is held usually in a magnetic chuck and is made to travel under the spinning wheel to the table. In turn, the table is mounted on a support that provides transverse movement of the table under the wheel. In some models moves the grinder with the wheel head transversely to the surface of the workpiece on the table rather than this on a stand.
The size of these machines can vary greatly, from small 4 by 8 inches. grinding area to the 6 by 16 feet and larger. The vast majority of this type are 6 by 12 inches. 4.1.2
surface grinder type II (horizontal spindle grinding rotating table)
This axis of rotation of the table can be tilted a few degrees for operations such as grinding circular hole close. When sealing joints grind in this way, the resulting pattern of circular scratches cellamiento provides exceptionally good. 4.1.3
surface grinder-Type III (Vertical Spindle Grinding And Reciprocating Table)
A form of this design is the rectifier guides, which is well adapted for long workpieces and narrow, for example, for grinding machines other guides tools. Typically, these grinders are equipped with auxiliary usillo for the completion of the entire configuration of the guides in one piece assembly on the machine. Grinder 4.1.4
To confronted This is typically employed a segmented wheel mounted on a horizontal spindle, in a way that the end of usillo is presented backwards. This machine is suitable especially for facing broad vertical surfaces. 4.2
Cylindrical grinding cylindrical
The name covers a lot of machine tools for grinding, including rectifying workpieces mounted between centers; workpieces extremely heavy mounted between bearings; centerless grinding and internal grinding, either with the spare part on a mandrel or form centerless attachment. 4.2.1
The most fundamental form of cylindrical grinding is done with the workpiece mounted between centers. For accuracy is turned the workpiece between dead centers between the two extremes, giving movement to the piece by means of a plate that rotates concentrically about the center of the head of the machine. The cylindrical grinding is always able to correct parties also conical, and the oscillation of the table around a vertical axis, in the manner of the universal milling machine table. Can also be used in displacement vertical wheel on the workpiece, the table has no movement. Cylindrical grinding Simple Type
Centers uses a grinding wheel mounted on an angle to the centers. These machines are especially suitable for grinding in shoulder, particularly when it criticizes the relationship between the diameter and face. This type of grinding is also able to traverse the table in the same way as the simple and universal types.
Grinding forms can also be done in the cylindrical grinding of such centers. In this type of grinding, shaped into the grinding wheel is the reverse of that has to be imparted to the workpiece, and then correcting the power by direct the wheel to the workpiece. This is a method for high production widely used in parts of the complex as hydraulic valves.
grinding roller Used to finish and Recaro rollers that are used for finishing hot and cold of steel and other metals . These rolls are typically very heavy, so you are supported in trunnion bearings for grinding, just as they are when working in the rolling mill that uses. Also due to the weight of the grinding rolls are rolls designed so that the rollers rotate in a fixed position and the head of the machine to move along rails that are parallel to the roller. When the roller to be used for cold rolled steel sheet, an operation which requires high pressures, the machine is set to rectify a roller with slightly convex curvature so that the plane be product. In rolls for hot rolling or drawing, the reverse is true, and is compensated by correcting the roll with a slightly concave. For smaller roller applications, correcting some rollers between centers and simple cylindrical grinding, grinding and sometimes coated abrasive belt that can rectify entire surface in one step. GRINDING CENTERS
4.2.2 It is usually a machine used to work in the outside diameter of a cylindrical workpiece. These machines are generally used in high-production work, but by no means limited to simple cylindrical parts. Certain parts of different diameters, such as automotive valves, can advance to a fixed ceiling. It is also possible to make both parties forming conical grinding wheels as the wheels regulators in reverse of what is required and may even centerless grinding parts of central portion of greater diameter than the ends, carrying the party machine to down from the top with special equipment for their advancement. Even headless threaded parts, as the oppressors, can be screwed on centerless grinders.
This disc grinding machine moves the parts between the faces of two grinding wheels. various methods are used to feed parties to these machines. Gear Grinders
grinders are divided into form in which the grinding wheel is careada exactly the opposite way to the tooth to be correct, and the types of generators in the form of action is conjugate of the wheel and workpiece. 4.3 Other GRINDING
4.3.1 Lapping or polishing machine
This machine is prepared by impregnating the cutting surface of abrasive grains in a relatively soft plaque that says, while a relative motion is imparted to the workpiece. For this method provides exceptional surface equal, but the cutting speed is very low. The control of temperature is critical for precision lapping. 4.3.2
Joneadora O Polisher Used for accurate sizing of pre-machined holes or holes. This machine can be used for either internal or external joneado the workpiece within a range of size, and often it is provided with attachments for the mechanical movement of the workpiece along the mandrel of joneado. 4.3.3 Electrochemical grinding
This is really a machine for plating, operated in reverse. electrochemical action removes material from the workpiece (anode), but they form insulating oxides in the process. The abrasive used primarily to remove oxides so that it can continue the process of electrolytic separation. The abrasive wheel is usually a diamond impregnated wheel, conductivity, and the wheels last a very long time. This type of machine is often used in the cutting tool sharpening one end, carbide for lathes, tools and brushes.
The shaper or make your cut brush tool from a single point for the piece work. The brush tool is moved with a reciprocating motion about a single axis while the workpiece moves past either horizontally, vertically or rotationally with respect to the movement of the tool. Horizontal Brush
5.1 (Figure 4)
One of the tasks that are used more sepillos is developing assemblies in sliding dovetail for carrying tools such as machines and tools such as around the brush. The internal keyways machined parts limited production, particularly in size and shape in which it is not feasible to use a regular for broaching keyways, and a shop press makes it difficult to dispense with the brush. This ability to make internal machined groove is called and can be used in combination with head divider to produce a variety of internal forms. In some cases manufactures specialized tooling to make parts with internal and external machining. It has been applied to the brushes sophisticated hydraulic systems copied to produce internal contours in production mass. Outlines work being done in the brushes are not limited to interior work. The outer contour is on the brushes for a variety of media . The most important basic shape of the contour formation occurs when the operator manually controls the tool feed and traverse down the workpiece to follow a line marked on the contour. Auque
brush often considered as a machine for tool room can be adapted to production capabilities by adding specialized components. 5.2 The Vertical
Brush (Slotting) (Figure 5)
is often used in workshops maquiladoras and tool sheds. This machine works very similar to its horizontal counterpart, except that you have a turntable as standard equipment. The rotary table can be moved both transverse and longitudinally, the ram can also be tilted 10 degrees from vertical. This makes the machine particularly versatile for machining complex internal shapes. It is also much easier for the operator to work with this machine with an array of dividing head mounted on a horizontal brush, because the work is quite visible. These machines can be equipped also with computer copying or template follower contour pair production.
5.1 (Figure 4)
One of the tasks that are used more sepillos is developing assemblies in sliding dovetail for carrying tools such as machines and tools such as around the brush. The internal keyways machined parts limited production, particularly in size and shape in which it is not feasible to use a regular for broaching keyways, and a shop press makes it difficult to dispense with the brush. This ability to make internal machined groove is called and can be used in combination with head divider to produce a variety of internal forms. In some cases manufactures specialized tooling to make parts with internal and external machining. It has been applied to the brushes sophisticated hydraulic systems copied to produce internal contours in production mass. Outlines work being done in the brushes are not limited to interior work. The outer contour is on the brushes for a variety of media . The most important basic shape of the contour formation occurs when the operator manually controls the tool feed and traverse down the workpiece to follow a line marked on the contour. Auque
brush often considered as a machine for tool room can be adapted to production capabilities by adding specialized components. 5.2 The Vertical
Brush (Slotting) (Figure 5)
is often used in workshops maquiladoras and tool sheds. This machine works very similar to its horizontal counterpart, except that you have a turntable as standard equipment. The rotary table can be moved both transverse and longitudinally, the ram can also be tilted 10 degrees from vertical. This makes the machine particularly versatile for machining complex internal shapes. It is also much easier for the operator to work with this machine with an array of dividing head mounted on a horizontal brush, because the work is quite visible. These machines can be equipped also with computer copying or template follower contour pair production.
6 Broaching
Broaching is a process in which a long tool to penetrate multiple points in a hole or pass over the surface of the workpiece. The brush has a number of consecutive teeth and the height of each row increases progressively. Variable height of the teeth of the broach can remove the material to the desired depth of cut. Broaching is used to produce internal and external surfaces, flat and irregular. The contour of the cutting edges of the brush determines the shape of the surface, cual es " imagen de espejo" del perfil de la brocha. El brochado es continuo, con movimientos de corte rectilíneos, aplicados en la brocha o en la pieza de trabajo.
Las brochas están construidas para movimiento de avance o retroceso en la pieza de trabajo. Las brochadoras consisten en un sujetador para la pieza de trabajo, columna de soporte, y un mecanismo para avance de la herramienta o de la pieza de trabajo; esta se sujeta en dispositivos o se monta en la mesa de la maquina. La unidad de avance consta del portaherramientas y algún mecanismo mecánico o hidráulico, para tirar o empujar de la brocha. Cuando se tira de la brocha, se necesitan sujetadores para contrarrestar la fuerza de tracción requerida durante la acción cutting. Horizontal Broaching
6.1 (tension or continuous cutting)
The cutting unit has a mechanical or hydraulic drive. They can work in internal and external surfaces in large workpieces. They are used for external work such as keyways, slots and other irregular shapes. The horizontal broaching has more capacity than the vertical, can also receive work pieces larger, larger brushes can be used to do the job in one pass. Vertical Broaching
6.2 (Figure 6)
are the type of action up or down. The vertical brush is similar to the vertical side brush, with the difference that you can use a large number of brushes.
The downward vertical broaching have a mechanism that lowers the guide or driver (small end of the brush) to a hole in the workpiece. Automatic handles are then attached to the brushes that pull them down onto the workpiece.
The upward vertical broaching the workpiece are positioned under the table. The brush is advanced against the workpiece from below, is connected to a drive mechanism of brushes and rises above the workpiece. For Vertical Broaching 6.3
surfaces are used to push the brush down against the workpiece. The brush is mounted on a vertical sliding column subject. This machine is heavy duty. The table can have lateral and rotational movement. Broaching
6.4 Continue to Surface
have increased production capacity. The workpieces are loaded into a drive mechanism of the type of string and pulling it to switch off the brush with a continuous chain. The workpieces are loaded into one end go off the brushes and unloaded at the other end.
Las brochas están construidas para movimiento de avance o retroceso en la pieza de trabajo. Las brochadoras consisten en un sujetador para la pieza de trabajo, columna de soporte, y un mecanismo para avance de la herramienta o de la pieza de trabajo; esta se sujeta en dispositivos o se monta en la mesa de la maquina. La unidad de avance consta del portaherramientas y algún mecanismo mecánico o hidráulico, para tirar o empujar de la brocha. Cuando se tira de la brocha, se necesitan sujetadores para contrarrestar la fuerza de tracción requerida durante la acción cutting. Horizontal Broaching
6.1 (tension or continuous cutting)
The cutting unit has a mechanical or hydraulic drive. They can work in internal and external surfaces in large workpieces. They are used for external work such as keyways, slots and other irregular shapes. The horizontal broaching has more capacity than the vertical, can also receive work pieces larger, larger brushes can be used to do the job in one pass. Vertical Broaching
6.2 (Figure 6)
are the type of action up or down. The vertical brush is similar to the vertical side brush, with the difference that you can use a large number of brushes.
The downward vertical broaching have a mechanism that lowers the guide or driver (small end of the brush) to a hole in the workpiece. Automatic handles are then attached to the brushes that pull them down onto the workpiece.
The upward vertical broaching the workpiece are positioned under the table. The brush is advanced against the workpiece from below, is connected to a drive mechanism of brushes and rises above the workpiece. For Vertical Broaching 6.3
surfaces are used to push the brush down against the workpiece. The brush is mounted on a vertical sliding column subject. This machine is heavy duty. The table can have lateral and rotational movement. Broaching
6.4 Continue to Surface
have increased production capacity. The workpieces are loaded into a drive mechanism of the type of string and pulling it to switch off the brush with a continuous chain. The workpieces are loaded into one end go off the brushes and unloaded at the other end.
The main use of the saws is to cut the material to length for other operations. The adaptability of the mountains can use to cut irregular shapes and contours. The saws are cutting tools multiple points in the types of bow saw blade, band saws and circular saws.
7.1 The Sierra De Arco (Hacksaw)
In bow saws and mechanical manuals using alternative cutting action on the sheet, which is mounted to toggle (reciprocate) in a horizontal plane. The cutting motion is perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece, which is mounted on a screw bank. The breakthrough occurs with the vertical movement of the blade of the hacksaw, with hydraulic or mechanical. Bandsaws 7.2
The band saw uses a continuous ribbon, flexible, with teeth on one side only. Common types of band saw are the saw or cutting and contour.
The band saw cuts are vertical and horizontal. In the vertical, the blade moves in vertical plane, the blade and its support can be tilted at angles up to 45 degrees, to produce the bevel. Horizontal saws used to cut heavy-duty, on this, the blade moves in a horizontal plane, perpendicular to the workpiece. Horizontal band saws have the adaptability of a hacksaw, while producing quality surfaces more .
The contour band saws and trimmers are used to cut irregular shapes and to work bucking normal. The table contour band saw can be tilted at different angles to cut bevels and angles on the workpiece. These usually have a welder close instantly and grinding factory integrated as a team to repair the torn pieces. Sierra 7.3
Friction sheets can also be used in the contour band saw. To use the blade of friction, the machine should run very high speed. Acerra friction for speeds are required more than 12000 surface feet per minute (PSPM). 7.4
close your
Circulars Circular Saw The machines include cold cutting, abrasive disc cutting saws, table and arm saws. The cold cut is commonly used to cut automated operations. The type of blade or disk depends on the material and the speed of the machine. The cold shut with rotating blades in a vertical plane and the advance is applied to the horizontal saw, straight. The leaves of friction can be used in high-speed circular saws, friction special sheets. As in the film closes, friction circular saw offers a means for fast cutting of ferrous materials and some thermosetting plastics. The abrasive disc cutting disc is used with agglutination resinoid or rubber , revolving with high speed, this method performs fast and accurate cutting of metals and ceramics. 7.5 Closings
table and radial arm saws
are often used to cut wood and plastics. On the bench or table saw, circular blade protruding from the surface of the table, the material is fed by hand or automatically to the leaf, with rectilinear motion. There are different types of blades and attachments to perform many operations with table saws. Radial arm saws have blade circular motor that moves along an upper arm support. The blade is moving towards a stationary workpiece to effect the necessary cote.
7.1 The Sierra De Arco (Hacksaw)
In bow saws and mechanical manuals using alternative cutting action on the sheet, which is mounted to toggle (reciprocate) in a horizontal plane. The cutting motion is perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece, which is mounted on a screw bank. The breakthrough occurs with the vertical movement of the blade of the hacksaw, with hydraulic or mechanical. Bandsaws 7.2
The band saw uses a continuous ribbon, flexible, with teeth on one side only. Common types of band saw are the saw or cutting and contour.
The band saw cuts are vertical and horizontal. In the vertical, the blade moves in vertical plane, the blade and its support can be tilted at angles up to 45 degrees, to produce the bevel. Horizontal saws used to cut heavy-duty, on this, the blade moves in a horizontal plane, perpendicular to the workpiece. Horizontal band saws have the adaptability of a hacksaw, while producing quality surfaces more .
The contour band saws and trimmers are used to cut irregular shapes and to work bucking normal. The table contour band saw can be tilted at different angles to cut bevels and angles on the workpiece. These usually have a welder close instantly and grinding factory integrated as a team to repair the torn pieces. Sierra 7.3
Friction sheets can also be used in the contour band saw. To use the blade of friction, the machine should run very high speed. Acerra friction for speeds are required more than 12000 surface feet per minute (PSPM). 7.4
close your
Circulars Circular Saw The machines include cold cutting, abrasive disc cutting saws, table and arm saws. The cold cut is commonly used to cut automated operations. The type of blade or disk depends on the material and the speed of the machine. The cold shut with rotating blades in a vertical plane and the advance is applied to the horizontal saw, straight. The leaves of friction can be used in high-speed circular saws, friction special sheets. As in the film closes, friction circular saw offers a means for fast cutting of ferrous materials and some thermosetting plastics. The abrasive disc cutting disc is used with agglutination resinoid or rubber , revolving with high speed, this method performs fast and accurate cutting of metals and ceramics. 7.5 Closings
table and radial arm saws
are often used to cut wood and plastics. On the bench or table saw, circular blade protruding from the surface of the table, the material is fed by hand or automatically to the leaf, with rectilinear motion. There are different types of blades and attachments to perform many operations with table saws. Radial arm saws have blade circular motor that moves along an upper arm support. The blade is moving towards a stationary workpiece to effect the necessary cote.
The drills can be classified according to one of its construction characteristics. Vertical Drilling
8.1 (Figure 7)
feed can be manual or automatic feed . In both cases the spindles are vertical. The essential difference is the sensitivity to the action of the bit that exists in the wheel of progress of the drill manual. In the automatic feed drill is lost sensitivity advancing the bit at the time of starting the power supply. Some drills are equipped with sensors devices, but this feature is rare, except in large machines. Both types are available taladradadoras bench and floor models and a wide range of sizes. Multiple Drilling
8.2 (Figure 8)
This consists of several drilling heads, mounted on a table. This type of drill should not be confused with multi-spindle machine. In the case of multiple drill, each spindle has its own power plant or engine. In the multi-spindle drilling machine is used to drive multi-spindle motor. This means that the machine may be several motors to actuate of usillo groups.
The multiple drills or bank transfer are spindle from which the piece moves driven by a conveyor belt at each station is running a different operation on the workpiece.
8.3 The Radial Drill
has a radial arm mounted on a column. The spindle head is mounted on the radial arm.
radial arm can rotate around the column or move in the direction its axis while the spindle head can slide over the arm. The combination of these 3 movements gives great flexibility in positioning the bit about the piece. It has automatic mechanisms for positioning the spindle head and progress. 8.4
Deep Hole drilling machines are production
where either part or the bit remains stationary while the other turns and moves. The bits to drill deep holes are special.
These drills can drill a lot of parts with repeatability pressure in relation to the size and straightness of the hole.
These drills can be horizontal and vertical.
8.1 (Figure 7)
feed can be manual or automatic feed . In both cases the spindles are vertical. The essential difference is the sensitivity to the action of the bit that exists in the wheel of progress of the drill manual. In the automatic feed drill is lost sensitivity advancing the bit at the time of starting the power supply. Some drills are equipped with sensors devices, but this feature is rare, except in large machines. Both types are available taladradadoras bench and floor models and a wide range of sizes. Multiple Drilling
8.2 (Figure 8)
This consists of several drilling heads, mounted on a table. This type of drill should not be confused with multi-spindle machine. In the case of multiple drill, each spindle has its own power plant or engine. In the multi-spindle drilling machine is used to drive multi-spindle motor. This means that the machine may be several motors to actuate of usillo groups.
The multiple drills or bank transfer are spindle from which the piece moves driven by a conveyor belt at each station is running a different operation on the workpiece.
8.3 The Radial Drill
has a radial arm mounted on a column. The spindle head is mounted on the radial arm.
radial arm can rotate around the column or move in the direction its axis while the spindle head can slide over the arm. The combination of these 3 movements gives great flexibility in positioning the bit about the piece. It has automatic mechanisms for positioning the spindle head and progress. 8.4
Deep Hole drilling machines are production
where either part or the bit remains stationary while the other turns and moves. The bits to drill deep holes are special.
These drills can drill a lot of parts with repeatability pressure in relation to the size and straightness of the hole.
These drills can be horizontal and vertical.
mandrels 9.1 Templates
is designed to locate and drill holes in jigs, fixtures, dies , gauges and other precision parts. Template boring machines, resembling a vertical mill, but are built with greater precision and are equipped with devices precise measurement to control the movements of the table. Adjustments can be made of 0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.). basis of the drawings directly. It has two sets for direct readings of dials, one for longitudinal dimension and one for cross.
The operator sets the figures in quadrants, so that they correspond to the dimensions in the drawing , and by pressing the button associated with each axis, which is in the control panel, the piece is accommodated automatically and accurately.
This machine is also designed to be operated by numerical control. Enrolling in the film the work done, ensuring a precise repetition are removed devices, accessories and precision boring is practical for small batch work. Vertical Borer 9.2
The vertical borer is named, because the work focuses on a table much like the old lathe ceramic. The cutting tools are stationary, except for advancement, and are mounted on crosshead height adjustable. These tools are the same type as the lathe and brush, and adapt Facing work horizontal, vertical turning and boring. This machine is often called brush bar, and court action on flat disks is identical to that of a brush. Classified according to the diameter of the table range in size from 0.9 to 12 m.
The vertical borers can hold large and heavy parts, since parts can be placed on the table with a crane, and do not require a lot of stop pins hold them in place. On the other hand, takes up little floor space, compared with other machines capable of performing the same job. Examples that can carve a vertical borers, pulleys must large grinding wheel for plants of glass, large flanges, housings vertical pumps and motors , flyers and many other circular items. In these machines can be very precise work because of its extreme rigidity and simplicity of design. Horizontal Borer 9.3
The horizontal borers, which differs from the vertical in that the work is stationary and the tool rotates, it adapts to the work of horizontal holes. The horizontal screw to hold the tool is supported on one end and can be adjusted vertically within the limits of the machine. This movement and the rotary tool are taught, are the ones who usually have this. A motion worktable longitudinal and transverse, is supported on guides on the base of the machine. In some cases, the table can be rotated to permit the preparation of material and the boring of holes according to a desired angle. At the other end of the machine is a pedestal to support the outer end of an internal turning bar when working in holes in large castings
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