Monday, October 4, 2010

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Love of language award Lord of Sipan Delivered journalist Lárcery Diaz Journalists

Chiclayo, Lambayeque .- The Regional Government of Lambayeque gave the highest award "Lord of Sipan" Suárez Díaz Larcery journalist, editor of the weekly Expression and university professor, for their valuable journalism, professional and cultural benefit of our region.

The medal of honor and regional resolution that distinction has been granted by the regional president, Nery Saldarriaga Kroll at breakfast today offered weekly Expression in the framework of its 17th anniversary and on the eve of celebrating the Day of the Journalist.

" Regional Government established this award to recognize those citizens who identified with his people contribute to national development. It should highlight the work of one of the most representative of Lambayeque journalists, who for 40 years in this profession, having made significant professional achievement in recognition of its large production of stories, poems and publications, "said the president.

Larcery Diaz stressed that he served for 20 years as a correspondent for the daily "El Comercio, Lima, Director of Press of America Television and Radio Star from 1993 to 1996 he worked as a copyeditor in the daily La Industria de Chiclayo, and since 1997 editor of the weekly Expression.

" not only has professional experience, academic college and university César Vallejo Lord of Sipan, but is the winner of five national journalism awards," he said.

In concluding this October 1, Peruvian Journalist Day, the regional authority invoked to newsmen in the region to continue their daily work while maintaining a dedication to service and social projection, as well as informing the public with objectivity, impartiality and accuracy.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Dominicans speak at the "Conecs, Puno 2010" informative and interpretive journalism

Peru .- The Dominican journalists Ramon Felix Lebron and Raul Bautista Germain will speak at the XXII Congress of Social Communication students "Conecs 2010" : ComunicAcción, Our Nature Height Risk, scheduled for 18 to 22 October at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (UNA) of Puno, Peru.

Felix Lebron taught a workshop on "Writing and Interculturalism, and Germain Bautista the paper" Journalism as an Alternative Social Conflict Settlement "in which academic contest will present Simon Peter Arnold (Belgium), Luciano Simoes de Sousa (Brazil), Young I Lee (Korea) and Peruvians Itsvan Halay Kovacs, Eland and Jaime Vera Pedreros Balta.

The activity has the organization of the Peruvian Association of University Students of Social Communication (APEUCS), an organization that brings students of 27 public and private institutions of higher education, the Professional School of Social Communication Sciences (EPCCS) and the Faculty of Social Sciences (FCS) of the UNA.

The objectives of the Congress include strengthening the role of communities to the environmental crisis, spreading new communicator challenges facing society, value the importance of communities to social conflicts that arise from the changes and environmental changes and reassess resources.

also promote integration and sharing of experiences environmental subjects within the different areas of social communication, to encourage scientific research on the audience, encourage respect for the peoples of the country and sensitizing communities about the importance of bioethics.

Felix Lebron serves as manager of publications of the Government Information Center (IGC) of the Dominican Republic, and director of the Journalism Training Program (PROCAP), while Germain is a professor at Baptist University "Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo" in Huaraz (Peru) and deputy director of PROCAP.

motivation "Conecs 2010" is geared to promote, discuss and reach new conclusions concerning the true role of a communicator in the twenty-first century, understand the realities and appearances of our profession order to clarify the scope of which we should and we want to go to be effective in what we make.

grouped activity professionals and students of Social Communication Sciences and related careers, teachers and researchers, business communications and the general public.