Monday, May 10, 2010

•keri Leigh Tucker

Dominican journalist in the program select "Mobility for creators." Raul

Ramon Felix Lebron, Journalist.
The Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) has selected Dominican journalist Ramón Felix Lebron on "Mobility for creators, managers, promoters and Latin American culture."

Felix Lebron receive all the logistic facilities to provide, within the bracket Journalism and Culture, the "journalistic writing workshop at Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo (UNASAM) from Huaraz, Peru.

entity also elected psychologist and cultural promoter hander Oscar Cucurullo Hungary, who will participate in a project called the "Route of rum."

IEO, in the framework of the Ibero-American Cultural Charter, contributes to building a culture of peace, focusing on intercultural dialogue and cooperation by promoting the travel and stay in other institutions countries actors and cultural agents that provide training, exchange and cooperation in the Ibero to build close ties, mutual understanding and development of new capabilities.

The agency also encourages the search for a better perception of the Latin American reality and emphasizes cultural diversity as a fundamental condition for human existence, as their expressions are a valuable factor for progress and welfare of communities in general.

To start up the program, the IEO has from the start supported by the English Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECI).

L to call technical committee reviewed the projects submitted by the applicants according to the instruction of the procedure and evaluation objective criteria established in the bases, and the amount of nations were chosen by Argentina (6), Bolivia (5 ), Brazil (4), Chile (7), Colombia (8), Costa Rica (3). Cuba (3) and Ecuador (6).

Furthermore, Spain (10), Guatemala (2), Honduras (1), Mexico (6), Nicaragua (2), Paraguay (1), Peru (5), Portugal (2) , Dominican Republic (2), El Salvador (2), Uruguay (1) and Venezuela (2).