Saturday, May 9, 2009

Is Celebi A Good Pokemon

journalistic attitudes, education and mass media. FECUS

Germain By Raul Bautista.
This work was published in the journal
my faculty research.


Huaraz, Ancash -. This essay is about journalistic writing. The misuse of the media and their editors are giving the English language, in a way, our language is eroding rapidly.
Time deque
owners and managers hire media professionals in this area. In this part, the University must make contributions, properly educate the graduates of schools and faculties of social communication.
1.1 Objectives:
1.2 General:

guide, in the correct use of language, managers of media, communication students, the population and teachers of journalism and communication sciences.

1.3 Specifications:
a) will present the various reasons why we believe that the media used the wrong way the basics of English (with examples).

b) Focus on people (readers) with tips and guidelines attached to the Royal Academy of Language, to correct those errors in journalistic writing.
c) suggest the profile you must have both the professional and journalism teacher for the XXI Century. 1.4 Status

current media:
In the fly, if you will, works the vast majority of workers in the science of communication. This is so paradoxical.

The media exert greater pressure on the linguistic changes that the schools themselves and universities.

This so because the media work continuously, every year, months, days, hours, seconds ... All messages we hear in the media are recorded in our memories.

That's why all these erroneous expressions which are published in some media acquire good and valid status. Why is this happening because of the great media coverage.
read nonsense like this: negative growth, Campus Universitario, Public Treasury, unknown perpetrators broke into the interior of a house, a few minutes.
If you look good, we see that: nothing can be increased back, the Campus is a college field, the purse is the treasure of the state and only penetrates inside, not outside, all minutes are 60 seconds.

To this must be added the abuse, in writing, so-called buzzwords: what is, in part, because, on the other side. With some verbs the same applies: do, have. Carried out (and never take general), make, make, be, was, among others. Examples:

a) "The European Commission has cleared the acquisition of video game maker Activision by French media group Vivendi after finding that the transaction would not a negative impact on competition in the EU market. The merger will lead to a world leader in the gaming industry. " Source: .

b) "was also carried out work for a thematic panel, which discussed issues of autonomy and individual freedoms, environment and economic, social and cultural rights.
process Sumapaz Paramo defense was one of the main issues, as capitalist entrepreneurs in South America, with the approval of pro-imperialist governments like Colombia, are after the natural resources like water. " Source: .

c) "do not agree with that premise, because if we chose to integrate the capital was because they imagine in certain conditions that were consistent with what has always been Sporting Cristal." Source: .

this came about because there is no adequate academic preparation, the media, its functions are to inform, educate and entertain. That seems to have forgotten.
allow empirical misnamed copen their newsrooms. This, instead of contributing to the development of these companies, causing is overdue.

is not true, gentlemen, leaders and media owners, that a type, an illiterate in investigative journalism, can learn their techniques on a small scale.

journalism in his work, calls for the inclusion of men and women who have thoroughly studied at the University, the various theories of communication and editorial.

The "empirical" has the ability to see beyond their noses or what are their sources: newsletters, press releases, statements and editorializantes biased.

The "empirical" that has longer in the exercise, always be on medium or less able to meet the challenges of journalism, and now that we talk about online media, journalism that requires a new way of conceiving the workforce: redefining the concept story, and refine a new grammar techniques at the time of writing.

1.5 The professional journalism in the Digital Age: Today
, and more on the media conference, speaking of the impact of the online media or electronic media. This trend is very good, but the lessons are offered in academic activities is only the mechanical part.

Most speakers attending these conferences are not trained journalists on this issue, those who dominate these scenarios are called "bloggers, designers, computer experts, among others.

With this picture, we see that the organizers of these conferences do not know the extent of this new media. The main changes they have experienced media are in the processing of information.
It is time that these technological conferences, which help a lot, understand that the main weapon of a journalist is not a pretty site, is the precise wording, concise and objective. In the same vein: a thorough knowledge of their language.

A reader does not leave half by design "ugly", stop reading it for its failure to inform, describe, analyze and contextualize the facts it publishes.

What reminds the human mind are the stories, according to Eloy Jáuregui Coronado (Peruvian journalist.) This, gentlemen, leaders and media owners, never, ever, will an individual with no knowledge of the techniques and theories of journalism.

Many professional journalists ask ourselves: are prepared schools, colleges and educational media to address this phenomenon. In the universities where they are forming journalists for the Digital Age, only being made to work on them, without any link with other press, radio and television.

Those "new journalism professionals" are spoken very little of the writing for these media. Is that nobody wants to discuss about this problem: how will the writing for the online media.

From what we have been able to investigate, we know that in these media assimilation is lower compared to newspapers. The "cyber-readers" do not read, but they do a reading as a scanner.

These media not to use the pyramid inverted and documentation as printed newspapers, why, because journalism network uses the hypertext links. With them, the readers of the network have access to millions of pages of information in seconds.

print journalism The problem was the lack of information (almost all were sought from official sources), now with the Internet, there is an excess of information, many of which are unreliable.

These media companies claim a kind of professional who is able to classify, analyze and contextualize the abundance of information and news. But we add, that has the same ethical principles that the traditional journalist, you've mastered the basics of journalistic writing, grammar and spelling.

1.6 The processing of information:
For university education, we know that the science of information is divided into genres and subgenres to translate the ideas gathered reporters and journalists.

There are three main groups: news journalism, interpretation and opinion. In the newsletter, the editor is limited to write down what the source says, or what the investigator or witness, in the interpretation, and the editor is allowed a greater degree of freedom to work, but can not comment ; their interpretations the report the data. And finally, opinion journalism, and here the writer has all the freedom to shape their opinions.

serious media clearly divided their information and interpretations of the views. The opinion pages have their place and name. Everything out of these pages should be very little information load of opinion, if any.

Many media do not hire qualified professionals. So we understand why the wrong way that many media cover each event. The new events are news, the day may be chronic and reports thereafter.

If a bomb explodes in Congress, for example, nobody will sit down to write a review or a story about that fact. Everyone will want to know: who, what, how, when, where, why, if there were casualties, including relevant.

for days now goes into action the journalist who dominates the narrative and description, in fact endangered. Should write all the details that other means were, but their lack of investigative journalism is not shaped it. There appears

professional course 10 cycles in their faculty or school of communication, who learned techniques the principal authors of journalism: Gonzalo Martín Vivaldi, Truman Capote, Miguel Angel Bastenier, Alex Grigelmo, Raul Rivadeneira Prada, Fernando Losada Díez, José Luis Martínez Albertos, Luis Santamaría, Vicente Leñero, Carlos Marín, Javier Ibarrola, style manual agency Efe, the newspaper El Tiempo, Semana magazine, the Country, ABC, AP, Trade, among others.

1.7 The empirical media:
It is no secret that most people who practice journalism have not graduated in this profession. Cases that are not in law, medicine, engineering, among others.

Everyone should have a college degree to practice any profession, journalism does not happen. In these usurpers are called empirical. They, on the basis of doing the same thing every day, become pseudo-journalists. These improvised

journalism, the "empirical" do not know the brand language of each genus and subgenus of journalism. When reported, saying, when trying to interpret and think again.

is that they do not know what it is and how to work the media genres, media owners and managers. They do not know the boundaries between information, documentation and explanation of the review.

In this particular Leñero Vicente and Carlos Marin (1986) in his Manual of Journalism, say this:
"The reporter who affirms and confirms its commitment to the theoretical and practical writing skills developed to a higher qualification who is trained in journalistic exercise alone impromptu. "

The professionalization of the journalist is strengthening its ethics at the time of writing. Many scandals with artists, athletes, politicians are given, among other things, the lack of investigation of the editor. This does not mean that the media must be afraid of the power, but all prosecution must be supported with hard evidence (documentary).

Huaracina We note that the press has these faults, they require the means of the area starting to hire real professionals of communication and journalism. 1.8 The school
communication UNASAM:

-academic program of the School of Communication at the Universidad Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo (UNASAM) fits very well, we understand, the profile of the XXI century community.

Despite this, the school must take steps to move forward more, you should hire a larger number of teachers, it should appoint more teachers (only one person appointed, the director, María Angélica Méndez) should enable a modern editing room and the other teachers must be kept in constant training. We know that the resources to do this are not available, but still very necessary.

Since the University must face the evils that have been described above, is for teachers this great task to train and investigate this phenomenon in all its magnitude.

the extent that teachers are familiar with the three aspects of the English Language (phonics, formal and semic) have a better education, and that will translate into the quality of graduates from his school.

1.9 Basic rules of writing:
1-The golden rule in writing in English: subject + predicate + active Circumstantial its objects and modifiers. This verb is conjugated in the indicative and simple time.
Example: communication students wrote a book for the UNASAM in Huaraz.
2-The use of active voice over passive. 3-A
idea sentences without clauses that may confuse, maintains a clean and clear.
4-The gerund, last attended and the infinitive is the headache of news editors. We must deepen its uses in the English language. 5-
informational paragraphs, usually must be short: 20 to 35 words.
6-verbs, in addition to being in active form, is recommended (their time) to be used as close to the event date.
7-In your area syntactic, the language information used in a measured way punctuation: commas, quotation marks, colons, periods, semicolons, etc.
8-sayings, phrases drawer premises, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions parasitic tarnish to writing informative.
9-verbs wide must be left aside: be, be, do, have, take out, take place.
10-One of the worst flaws in the wording of the conditional use would have, be. In this regard, Alex Grijelmo (2004) says in his book The style of the journalist:

"The formula would help or the potential or conditional (simple or compound) should not be used to express uncertainty or rumor. Two incorrect examples: 'Sources say the minister Moncloa is preparing the law "(so, no verb in the subjunctive to support this sentence)," according to these sources, 10 people have died. " In perfect Castilian, that is to say that did not die, then under the grammar, the past reflects a potential action that could occur and which finally took place "We hope
this little reflection to reach all students of communication and Peruvian journalists. The mission of this paper is to open their eyes, on the one hand, the managers and owners of the media, and other colleges and schools of social communication.

2.1 Bibliography: 1-LEÑERO
, Vicente; MARIN, Carlos (1986) Manual of Journalism, Editorial Grijalbo, Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico.
2-Grijelmo, Alex (2004) The style of the journalist, Editorial Taurus, Mexico, DF.
Internet Resources: -socio-cristal.html

2.2 Resume:
He graduated from journalism media mention in his home country, Dominican Republic (2003), at the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). Since 1999 he has worked in various local media, from editor to chief editor. Teaching exercises since 2006. He is currently a professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Education and Communication in the UNASAM and associate producer for the press area station 97.3 FM Studio, Huaraz.