Who defends the SIP?
Defining SIP
Germain By Raul Bautista,
journalist and teacher.
WEST SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic .- The truth is that we must be alive to read things. Recently,
Inter American Press Association (IAPA) identified according to their managers, the four main threats against the press.
We cite these problems: "Physical violence against journalists, the deterioration of relations between governments and the press, the use of public funds to pressure on journalism and the law of access to public information are the four main threats to freedom of expression in America. "
More than 500 people traveled to Spain, the motherland, for, among wines, champagne, whiskey, beer, lobster, caviar, shrimp and other, evaluate the ills that affect the exercise of our profession.
These men and women, "sacrificed" all invited to a character that does not fit into a space that speaks of freedom of the press, the King of Spain, Juan Carlos.
This way, because many monarchs, do not accept criticism and do not value the work of journalists. Well, an example illustrates, the King held a ceremony where he was not allowed into the press. What a capital joke.
The SIP is simply a reality that represents exclusively the interests of media owners masas.La SIP is an "institution" where some of their Managers are chicks dictators who trample ombudsmen in the newsroom to his subordinates.
The SIP is an "entity" which does not require the raising of wages to workers information: journalists.
The SIP criticized the ruling, with reason, but do not bother to argue that professional journalists are hired, people with talent, with certain codes of ethics, individuals who dominate journalistic writing, and so on.
see that employees of the media where they are "leaders" come in various public and private institutions, and public relations assume of artists, politicians, athletes, businessmen .... and is not fair and truthful journalism.
With a box like this one can not speak of progress in press freedom, not the guerrillas, paramilitaries, leftist presidents right and most restrict the freedoms of writers, are called "executive ".
While some directors of the SIP media and charge exorbitant salaries, the editors are starving, they at the top and the other in the pit. Long, O God!
The SIP does not organize conferences to provide training in language learning, for example, journalists or "hooked" who are the most.
SIP does not claim to have invented means an internship to pay three dollars for information, the SIP does not provide facilities for journalists in Latin America receive scholarships (with all payments, tickets, lodging, transportation, etc. .)
And I wonder: Who is the SIP?, owners of the media, never to journalists.
why we have written and a thousand other reasons, the SIP does not represent me, and nothing you say or write me deserves respect. Professional journalists and communication workers we have no place in this "thing", of course, unless you kneel before the gold.
Someday, I hope that not too far, come to the directives of the media men as Benjamin Bradlee
; be used as a style manual that was written to the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo
; someday be.
Meanwhile, we still look, as an accomplice, as these guys handle journalism.